
The importance of note taking

      You may see notes like this on tumblr, instagram, tiktok, and maybe even snapchat. It may seem like something you'd want to do. It might also seem pointless or overwhelmingly. But in reality it is a lot easier than it sounds.       You don't need  all of the fancy pens and highlighters and paper to do this. It may be more aesthetically pleasing if you do though. But in general it's incredibly easy and cheap. You could even do them on your phone or ipad! But all you really need is a pencil, some paper, and a pen or two that you like. It doesn't have to be perfect. It's just what makes you feel like you did a good job.       Why am I saying you need to feel like you did a good job? Glad you asked!  When you take notes like this when you're done you tend to stare at them a lot because you have this sense of accomplishment from being able to make them look so pretty. It may seem childish but in the long haul ...

How to use a planner

     So planners are one of the first things that students are encouraged to use in school. But do they work? I've heard so many people say they don't work for them and its just a waste of time. The reason it wont work is because of lack of consistency and using the wrong types of planners for you.  This article is about the type of planner I use (I made it myself) and the best way to maximize it's effectiveness.       Planners can be expensive and won't always meet your needs. So I made one that I feel has everything I need as a student. It might change a bit once I'm out of school and enter the work force full time, but it is awesome the way it is. I started off with a bullet journal. It was great for a while but still didn't have everything I needed. Yes it was customizable but it took up a lot of time. So I decided to combine that with what I had seen with my previous planners and what I had been using in addition to  my bullet journal....

About Me

     My name is Tom. I'm a senior in high school and my grades used to be really low. I was unmotivated, disorganized, and barely passing. One of my classes was so close to failing that if I had been one point lower I would have failed for the year. The past few years however, I have been implementing new techniques with organization, note taking, planning, and study strategies. I went from D+ at best, to all A's. Currently in my Algebra functions and data analysis class I have 104%. How? Taking my life unfer control and being motivated. After a while I realized I enjoyed what I was doing in school and no longer saw it as work. I was productive. This blog is to help you use these methods to get your grades to where you would like them to be.